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A Farewell Tribute to Mary Biggerstaff

There are still a few of us active members who remember Mary Biggerstaff’s early days in TDW.  I joined in 2005, so I’ve known Mary for 18 years.  I can sincerely say that she is one of the kindest, nicest, most dedicated women that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.  And talk about hard-working!  In those early years together, our chapter was very small.  It was often a struggle to get ten members to come to the meetings.  We might have been tiny, but we accomplished great things!

One of our most ambitious undertakings was hosting the TDW Summer Retreat for the State Board and all the Texas chapters, not once, but twice.  It was a monumental job, but we worked together and pulled it off very successfully.  Mary was one of the major forces behind it.  She has always been one of our hardest working members. Through the years, she was always volunteering to do things.  If you asked her to hold an office, be on a committee or help with a project, she was always willing to do so.

Mary was also a master decorator.  When we first started hosting our scholarship lunches, we held them at Harbor Lakes Country Club. They did zero decorating for us, so we had to do it ourselves.  We met at Mary’s house and created all the table decorations.  I think her house must have been half full of red, white and blue stuff!  She also helped at the State Convention the year our chapter was responsible for all the table decor using fresh flowers.  It was a huge job, and Mary and the committee worked until midnight to make sure the convention hall looked beautiful.

But even more than being a hard worker and loyal TDW member, Mary has been a dear friend to so many of us.  We’re really going to miss you and your friendly smile, Mary!  We wish you and your husband, Jay, the best of luck in this new stage of your lives!!

With love & all the best,
Wendy Davis

A Parting Tribute to Mary Biggerstaff

When I moved to Granbury in the year 2006,
I soon realized that this was a county with many conflicts.
When I passed through Cresson and saw the Confederate flags flash,
I thought that I had gone back in time to a world of the past.
Then came the Presidential election of 2008;
I saw that this was Republican land, one in which I could not relate.
An announcement in the newspaper told of a Democratic meet,
So I thought I would attend to find some people that I could greet.
There I met Democrats who had thoughts and ideas like mine.
I was invited to attend a meeting of women who were my kind.
How delighted I was when the women of TDW welcomed me;
They were friendly and liberal minded, as far as I could see.
So I met Mary Biggerstaff, and we clicked that very day.
Like me, she was a retired teacher who had many interests to display.
We both loved reading, writing and sharing our thoughts,
So we discussed ideas and experiences as we talked.
We worked together as officers of our Democratic club.
We planned meeting and luncheons and how to defeat the Repugs.
We went to Conventions and retreats with fellow Democrats,
And we shared many great ideas during our frequent chats.
We shopped together and went to the beauty shop too.
In the 15 years I have known Mary, our friendship really grew.
Mary, great granddaughter of a Confederate soldier came to understand
That Rose, great granddaughter of a slave, were really two of a kind.
So, Mary, as you leave Granbury for this new phase in your life,
I hope that you find
Peace, happiness and calmness, with very little strife.
Oh, how all of the TDW ladies will miss your smiling face.
We hope that you will be happy as you move to your new place.
Mary, Granbury and TDW will not be the same without you,
But your family is waiting for you to do what you have to do.
So, I am saying so long today, and I hope this is not really good-bye;
I hope that we will always keep in touch, for Georgetown is just nearby.

Your friend,
Rose Simpson